Childhood Obesity

In collaboration with the Unit of Endocrinology, University Children's Hospital of Elche, a program of multidisciplinary treatment of childhood obesity that included counseling, nursing station, medical care and novel dietary management (see abstract conclusions) was performed.

Results of experimental study: CONCLUSIONS

Program of prevention of obesity in schools

Accordance with previous experience in the treatment of obesity in children and assessing the overall figure in our country it was proposed to the Department of Health of the City Council conducting a pilot program in several schools in the city, informing parents and regulating the diet both in home and in the cafeteria (see Programme guide). It was approved by the Directorate General of the Ministry of Education, and the Ethics Committee of the University Hospital of Elche.

This was a preliminary assessment of the nutritional status of children in three schools GBS. Weight, height and waist circumference were measured by the same observer at mid-morning, 687 students (340 women and 347 men), with a score of 19.79% of Overweight and Obesity average (5.67% of them with a obesity greater than 3 SDS), with limits of maximum 33.30% and 6.25% minimum (see full study summary).

A summary of our line of work can be seen in the following letter (see Healthy eating). See also Healthy eating video (in Spanish).

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Institución sin ánimo de lucro inscrita con el Nº 104 (A) en el Registro de Fundaciones de la Consellería de Presidencia de la Generalitat Valenciana C.I.F. G53235024.