Speech therapy and myofunctional therapy

The Department of Speech Therapy Area Early Intervention, treatment offers both the child and the family and surroundings.

The treatment is based on the child's linguistic stimulation, both expressive and comprehensive levels, communicative oral stimulation through language or SAAC and supply processes (chewing and swallowing).

The actions undertaken are family oriented listening, counseling and assimilation of the new situation work as important as the work that is exerted on the child since they depend on the development.

As regards the environment, maintain coordination meetings with the educational environment, or any other medical field, working to establish common objectives.


See flier of auditory stimulation.

Workshop on auditory stimulation.

Miofunctional therapy

The therapy proceeds miofucional etiologically therapy (healing) and myo (muscle), so it could be defined as the study and treatment of muscles related to speech, teething, chewing / bolus formation, swallowing and all aspects of physical and mental health related to them. Ultimately, it is the set of procedures to evaluate the orofacial Myofunctional pattern for speech and related functions (power), and prevent or intervene existing Myofunctional orofacial disorders.

The following document explains myofunctional therapy.

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Non-gubernamental institution registered under Nº 104 in the Register of Foundations of the Department of the Presidency of the Generalitat Valenciana C.I.F. G53235024.