Physical therapy

The physical therapy area, within the framework of early intervention is responsible for providing individualized treatment to children with motor or structural alterations linked to various pathologies such as cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, muscular dystrophy, rare syndromes with involvement motor and many others. Children included in pediatric physical therapy programs often exhibit weakness, muscle imbalances, postural control deficit, hypertonia, with deficits of voluntary control. These disorders can cause deformity or abnormalities in the musculoskeletal system. To prevent and treat them, in addition to the work room, the team takes time to develop and physiotherapists using external aids such as postural adjustments Neuromuscular plaster or bandage. (see document).

It also aims to prevent the occurrence of the same in children with certain biohazard, as is the case of premature babies. In addition to treating existing motor abnormalities serves to normalize the ontogeny of children.

In general the work to be done are the following:

The following document explains myofunctional therapy.

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Non-gubernamental institution registered under Nº 104 in the Register of Foundations of the Department of the Presidency of the Generalitat Valenciana C.I.F. G53235024.